School of Health Sciences

Department of Nursing    Annual Enrollment 70 / Period of Attendance 4 years

Department of Occupational Hygiene    Annual Enrollment 20 / Period of Attendance 4 years


◆ Educational Purposes


  In order to be a good partner with occupational health physicians, staff members in occupational and environmental health activities are required to have two important qualities: “creative intelligence” and “attitude of responsibility for one’s own learning.”
  To meet the changing social needs, the School of Health Sciences develops human resources which can contribute to occupational health in an integral and creative manner, with a perspective on the relationship between life systems and environments.


◆ Academic Departments   講座等

Department of Nursing


  Human,Information and Life Sciences 人間情報科学
  Nursing Science and Arts 基礎看護学
  Clinical Nursing 成人・老年看護学
  Nursing of Human Broad Development 広域・発達看護学
  Occupational and Community Health Nursing 産業・地域看護学

Department of Occupational Hygiene

  Environmental Measurement and Control 作業環境計測制御学
  Occupational Safety and Health Management 安全衛生マネジメント学


Departmentof Nursing

・Annual Enrollment 70・Period of Attendance 4 years


  The educational Department of  Nursing gives students the underlying knowledge, skills and attitude to be a nursing professional, with recognition of the role in industrial nursing, and with the flexibility to meet social changes and technological developments.



◆ Diploma Policy


  The Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, confers a graduation certificate in Nursing Science on students who have: 1) understood the objectives and mission of the university, which “conducts educational research related to medical science, nursing science and other healthcare sciences, contributes to the promotion of these sciences that are relevant to the working environment and workers’ health, and develops medical professionals in these fields”; 2) acquired the knowledge, skills and attitude that are essential to a nursing specialist in the course terms or longer, as prescribed by the university; 3) completed the number of credits required for graduation and received the course completion certificate; and 4) acquired the qualities and abilities explained below.



Human Nature and Ethics
  Students will have acquired a rich sense of human nature and will maintain a high ethical standard to respect the dignity of life and defend people’s rights, and will be able to explore the true nature of things.
2 Nursing Knowledge and Skills
Students will have acquired knowledge and skills to identify people’s health problems in various fields and will be able to give them adequate nursing care based on scientific principles.

Nursing Ability, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving Ability

Students will be able to provide patients with nursing in a creative way, anticipating social changes, and will be able to improve the quality of nursing care.

4 Occupational Nursing and Communication Skills
  Students will be able to consider people’s health from the various perspectives of their working environments, and will be able to coordinate solutions to problems in collaboration with various types of professionals.
5 International Contributions and Personal Development
Students will have gained the mentality to recognize people’s health from a global perspective, and will be able to keep developing themselves as independent nursing specialists.

◆ Curriculum Policy(Curriculum Organization and its Implementation Policy)

  The Department of Nursing, Faculty of Occupational Health Sciences, fosters nurses who can contribute to the development of creative nursing science and to the local and international community, with practical nursing skills based on logical and ethical considerations from an interdisciplinary perspective. We also nurture excellent industrial nurses who contribute to the maintenance and promotion of occupational health.

  In order to achieve these goals, the following educational curricula will be organized and implemented. In addition, we promote self-directed learning through our active learning system.

Basic Liberal Arts

  The program consists of humanities & social science courses to enhance students' resourcefulness and multifaceted perspective; language courses to form internationally-minded students; and natural science courses. These courses are mainly offered in the first year.


Basic Nursing

  The program consists of information science, life/health support, and pathophysiology/therapeutics, and is taken from the first year to the first semester of the third year. The purpose of the Basic Nursing program is to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that form the foundation of practical nursing skills based on a physical, mental, and social understanding of the human body.


Nursing Specialty

  The program consists of basic nursing, clinical nursing, home health nursing, and public health nursing. The purpose of the Nursing Speciality program is to help students acquire the practical nursing skills required to deal with a variety of health issues. Through these courses, students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for practicing nurses, as well as developing their critical thinking and decision-making skills. These courses are offered from the first year to the first semester of the third year.


Integrated Nursing

  The program consists of first-year education, risk management, and nursing
research, which allows students to study nursing in an integrated and developed manner, and acquire the foundation for continued professional
development and research. Upon entry to the university, students taking the first-year education course will acquire the fundamental skills necessary for worliing adults through self-education, university study, and career guidance. From the first year to the fourth year students will develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes, as well as their ability to think and express themselves.


Health Science Specialty

  The program consists of courses related to public health nurse education which provide a foundation for students to acquire the practical skills required of public health nurses. It also includes courses related to occupational nursing that aim to train occupational health nurses who will be active in a workplace environment, a distinctive feature of this university. These courses are offered from the third year to the first semester of the fourth year.


Judgment of Academic Achievement

  The results of the above (1-5) will be evaluated individually and continuously according to the student's growth, using portfolios, rubrics, OSCEs, individual case study evaluations, and academic behavior surveys.

◆ Graduate Careers

  Graduates of Nursing are expected to play an active role in hospitals and companies by making use of the following licenses and qualifications.

  ● Clinical Nurse License

  ● Public Health Nurse License (Those with this license can also acquire the following licenses/qualifications.)
  ・Class-2 Nursing Teacher
  ・Class-1 Health Supervisor 



Department of Occupational Hygiene 

        ・Annual Enrollment 20    ・Period of Attendance 4 years


p12kankyo350.jpg  Department of Occupational Hygiene gives students the specialized knowledge that is required to maintain workers’ health and create a safe and comfortable working environment, by improving the basic academic abilities that the students learned in high school. At the same time, it provides students with science-based skills and technological skills to assess and improve the working environment, and trains professionals who can maintain workers’ health and create safe and comfortable environments from an engineering perspective.


◆ Diploma Policy


  The Department of Environmental Hygiene, Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, confers a graduation certificate in Health and Hygiene on students who have: 1) understood the objectives and mission of the university, which “conducts educational research related to medical science, nursing science and other healthcare sciences, contributes to the promotion of these sciences that are relevant to the working environment and workers’ health, and develops medical professionals in these fields”; 2) acquired the knowledge, skills and attitude that are essential to a specialist of occupational health and safety in the course term or longer, as prescribed by the university; 3) completed the number of credits required for graduation and received the course completion certificate; and 4) acquired the qualities and abilities explained below.


Human Nature and Ethics
  Students will have acquired a rich sense of human nature and will maintain a high ethical standard that is required to be a specialist of occupational health and safety, and will be able to explore the true nature of things.
   2 Specialist Knowledge and Skills
  Students will have acquired basic academic skills and specialized knowledge which are equal to Class-2 Working Environment Measurement Expert and Class-1 Health Supervisor, and will be able to utilize their expertise to promote the practice of working environment management, working management, and health management.
   3 Scientific Judgment and Problem-Solving Ability
  Students will have the ability to judge workers’ health and the environmental risks they face, based on scientific foundations, and to will be able to implement appropriate measures proactively to solve relevant problems.
   4 Communication and Documentation Ability
  Students will have gained the sophistication required to be a specialist of occupational health and safety, and the expressiveness, including communication and documentation abilities, to improve workers’ awareness of their health and safety.
   5 Understanding of and Sense of Inquiry about Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
  Students will be mentally prepared for lifelong learning in order to foster better understanding of global occupational health and safety management systems, to promote workers’ health in collaboration with other occupational health professionals, to work as part of a team to create safe and comfortable workplaces, and to take a leadership role, domestically and internationally, in the field of occupational health and safety in the future.

◆ Curriculum Policy(Curriculum Organization and its Implementation Policy)

  The Department of Occupational Hygiene in the Faculty of Occupational Health Science trains personnel who can contribute to the maintenance and promotion of the health and safety of working people, and support the development and revitalization of industry. Specifically, the department provides systematic education based on three core elements: working environment management, work management, and health management, as well as specialized education in occupational safety and health management systems. This department aims to foster occupational health and safety professionals with the knowledge and academic ability to obtain national qualifications as a Class 2 Working Environment Measurer Expert and Class 1 Health Supervisor without taking any examinations.
  In order to achieve these goals, the following educational curricula will be organized and implemented. In addition, The Comprehensive Exercise for Occupational Health Management is conducted in the third year to check the level of achievement of the students' studies. In particular, we aim to provide detailed guidance through small-group education to enhance the learning process.


Occupational Health

  The program consis1s of subjects that provide a basic knowledge of occupational health and safety, and the prerequisites for national certification as a Class 2 Working Environment Measurer and Class 1 Health Supervisor.


Management Studies

  The program consists of subjects covering risk assessment methods, laws and regulations, safety management, management and operation of business establishments, which are necessary for understanding and practicing occupational safety and health management systems.


Environmental Studies

  The program consists of interdisciplinary courses that cover a wide range of topics related to the workplace environment.


Health Science

  The program consists of interdisciplinary subjects concerning the composition of the human body, and how to maintain mental and physical health.


Engineering and Informatics

  The program is composed of subjects that cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary to support the health and safety of workers from an engineering perspective.


Natural Sciences

  The program consists of chemistry, physics, biology, and other natural science courses that cultivate the basic academic skills necessary to practice occupational safety and health. This includes first-year education courses for connecting high school and university.


Humanities and Sociology

  The program consists of humanities and sociology courses that help to develop teamwork skills, communication skills, self-expression, and ethics which will be useful for students' future careers, as well as languages that are essential for developing a global perspective.


Graduation Research

  In the fourth year, students will combine the wide range of knowledge and skills they have learned through the aforementioned programs to conduct research, enhance their knowledge of occupational health, and write a graduation thesis to determine their level of achievement.

◆ Graduate Careers

Graduates of Department of Occupational Hygiene are expected to play an active role in companies by making use of the following licenses and qualifications.
● Class-1 Health Supervisor

● Hygienic Engineering Manager
● Class-2 Working Environment Measurement Expert