

石丸 知宏(いしまる ともひろ)


2008年産業医科大学医学部医学科卒業後、北九州市立医療センターにて初期臨床研修、産業医科大学産業医学修練医(後期課程)。2012年(株)日立製作所小田原健康管理センタ・産業医、2015年タイ・マヒドン大学公衆衛生大学院(Master of Public Health)修了、2016年一般財団法人西日本産業衛生会・医師、2020年産業医科大学産業生態科学研究所環境疫学・助教、准教授を経て、2023年より同大学医学部准教授(医学概論)。日本産業衛生学会指導医。労働衛生コンサルタント。医学博士。


  1. 石丸知宏, 吉川 徹, 和田耕治: パンデミック・インフルエンザに対する病院管理体制チェックリスト, 押谷 仁編, 労研出版:2013
  2. 石丸知宏: 医療機関での診療継続計画. 増補新訂 医療機関における産業保健活動ハンドブック, 和田耕治編,産業医学振興財団:132-133頁,2019
  3. 吉川 徹, 石丸 知宏: HIV 感染症と適正配置.適正配置・両立支援ストラテジー第2版, 神奈川芳行, 河津雄一郎編,バイオコミュニケ ーションズ:304-315頁,2019
  4. 石丸知宏: AIDSの基礎知識, 新型インフルエンザ等の新興感染症への備え.使える!健康教育・労働衛生教育65選, 森晃爾編,日本労務研究会:2020


  1. Ishimaru T et al.: Hematocrit levels as cardiovascular risk among taxi drivers in Bangkok, Thailand. Ind Health 54:433-438, 2016
  2. Ishimaru T et al.: HIV testing and attitudes among the working-age population of Japan: annual health checkups may offer an effective way forwards. Ind Health 54:116-122, 2016
  3. Ishimaru T et al.: Barriers to the acceptance of work colleagues infected with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in Japan. J Occup Health 58:269-275, 2016
  4. Ishimaru T et al.: Attitudes of nurses toward HIV-infected colleagues in Japan. Contemp Nurse 53:133-142, 2017
  5. Ishimaru T et al.: Nurses' willingness to care for patients infected with HIV or Hepatitis B / C in Vietnam. Environ Health Prev Med 22:9, 2017
  6. Ishimaru T et al.: Nurses' Attitudes Towards Co-Workers Infected with HIV or Hepatitis B or C in Vietnam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 48:376-385, 2017
  7. Ishimaru T et al.: A consensus for occupational health management of healthcare workers infected with human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and / or hepatitis C virus. J Occup Health 59:304-308, 2017
  8. 石丸知宏ら: HIVや肝炎ウイルスに感染した医療従事者に対する就業上の配慮. 医事新報 4873:20-22, 2017
  9. 石丸知宏ら: インターネットのうつ病の診断に関する情報は信頼できるか?. 労働科学 94:12-18, 2018
  10. 石丸知宏ら: ストレスチェックの受検に関連する因子:定期健康診断と同時期に実施することを中心と した検討. 日本衛生学雑誌 73:235-240, 2018
  11. Ishimaru T et al.: Willingness to care for blood-borne virus-infected patients in Thailand. Occup Med (Lond) 68:192-198, 2018
  12. Ishimaru T et al.: Near misses and presenteeism among paramedics. Occup Med (Lond) 69:593-597, 2019
  13. Ishimaru T et al.: Validity and responsiveness of the Work Functioning Impairment Scale (WFun) in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A multicenter prospective study. Mod Rheumatol 30:821-827, 2020
  14. 石丸知宏ら: インドの労働衛生に関する制度および専門職育成の現状‐日本企業が海外拠点において適 切な労働衛生管理を実施するために. 産業衛生学雑誌 62:136-145, 2020
  15. Ishimaru T et al.: Two definitions of presenteeism: sickness presenteeism and impaired work function. Occup Med (Lond) 70:95-100, 2020
  16. Ishimaru T: Presenteeism and absenteeism: Implications from a study of job insecurity. J Occup Health 62:e12158, 2020
  17. Ishimaru T et al.: Survey of the necessary competencies and proficiency of safety officers in Thailand. Ind Health 58:403-413, 2020
  18. Ishimaru T et al.: Impact of Cold Indoor Temperatures on Overactive Bladder: A Nationwide Epidemiological Study in Japan. Urology 145:60-65, 2020
  19. Ishimaru T et al.: Effectiveness of fitness for work interventions for workers with low back pain: A systematic review. J Occup Health 63:e12261, 2021
  20. Ishimaru T et al.: Association between work style and presenteeism in the Japanese service sector. J Occup Health 63:e12211, 2021
  21. Ishimaru T et al.: Industry and workplace characteristics associated with the downloading of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in Japan: a nation-wide cross-sectional study. Environ Health Prev Med 26:94, 2021
  22. Ishimaru T et al.: Workplace measures against COVID-19 during the winter third wave in Japan: Company size-based differences. J Occup Health 63:e12224, 2021
  23. Ishimaru T et al.: Gender differences in the determinants of willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine among the working-age population in Japan. Hum Vaccin Immunother 17:3975-3981, 2021
  24. Ishimaru T et al.: Disrupted care during the COVID-19 state of emergency and productivity loss attributed to presenteeism in workers: a nationwide cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 11:e050068, 2021
  25. Ishimaru T et al.: Prospective cohort study of bedroom heating and risk of common cold in children. Pediatr Int 64:e14755, 2022
  26. Ishimaru T et al.: Factors associated with occupational accidents during part-time work among international students in Japan. Ind Health 60:176-182, 2022
  27. Ishimaru T et al.: Correlation Between Voluntary HIV Testing and Public Awareness of HIV Using Google Trends in Japan. Asia Pac J Public Health 34:113-117, 2022
  28. Ishimaru T et al.: The Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Health Emergency and Disaster in Japan. Sustainability 14:15686, 2022
  29. Ishimaru T et al.: Presenteeism in front-line physicians involved in COVID-19-related clinical practice: a national survey of employed physician members of the Japan Medical Association. Environ Health Prev Med 28:13, 2023
  30. 石丸知宏ら: 監理団体による外国人技能実習生の健康と安全への支援の現状と課題―産業保健職との連携に着目して. 産業衛生学雑誌 65:74-81, 2023
  31. 石丸知宏ら: OpenWHOを活用した新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する労働安全衛生教育. 産業衛生学雑誌 65:91-94, 2023