2017 [9th] (Posted on Aug. 16, 2017) / [10th] (Posted on Sept. 12, 2017)

2017 [9th] Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand visited UOEH (Posted on Aug. 16, 2017)


<Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand visited UOEH> 


A delegation consisting of eight members from the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (DDC, Thailand) visited UOEH on August 9 based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in July, 2016, which aims to promote cooperative research and collaboration activities etc. between DDC, Thailand and UOEH. The purpose of the visit was to discuss about possible collaboration programs based on the MOU. The delegation and UOEH faculties headed by President Higashi had a fruitful discussion regarding these programs. Following visits to some departments in the Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, UOEH, the delegation participated in tours within and outside of UOEH.



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        Courtesy visit to President Higashi                               Campus tour 


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                  Department visit 1                                        Department visit 2 


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                       Visit to IIES                               Visit to Kitakyushu Eco Town Center 

2017 [10th] International Occupational Health Practice with Catholic University of Daegu (Posted on Sept. 12, 2017)


<International Occupational Health Practice with Catholic University of Daegu>


Based on the partnership agreement signed with Department of Occupational and Environmental Management, School of Health Sciences in 2007, we welcomed two faculty members and nineteen students from the Catholic University of Daegu, Korea from August 23 to 26. The agreement aims at promoting collaborations between the faculties and the students.The participants of both universities attended workshops and tours in/out of UOEH and had an great opportunity to interact with each other. Our faculty members and students are scheduled to visit the Catholic University of Daegu next year.


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     Courtesy visit to President Higashi                                 Workshop



                        City tour 1                                                     City tour 2