International Center

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 The International Center, established in April 2012, aims to lead the global community by adhering to the founding principles of the university.

 Main duties of the International Center are as follows:

  1. Planning and implementation of international exchange programs.
  2. Cooperating in education, research and medical care with foreign universities and other institutions.
  3. Providing academic and student exchange agreements with foreign universities.
  4. Offering advice and other necessary support for international students and researchers.
  5. Engaging in activites that contributes to the enhancement of the international status of the University.


Jul. 1, 2024

【EVENT】International Center hosts "UOEH International Symposium 2024" new_img.png

Jun. 14, 2024

14th News "Lectures at training program on Mesothelioma and Asbestos-Related Disease"new_img.png

Jun. 6, 2024

13th News "Visiting Professor Ramazzini in University of Padua"new_img.png

Apr. 30, 2024

12th News "The 7th UI-NRH-UOEH-CUK Joint Interesting Occupational Medicine Regular Forum was held"

Apr. 9, 2024

11th News "Entrance Ceremony of the graduate school for students in Asia International Occupational Health Program 2024"

Mar. 21, 2024

10th News "Conclusion of MOU with ILO for promotion of safe and healthy working environment"

Mar. 21, 2024

9th News "Professor Tomtitchong of Thammasat University, Thailand visited UOEH"

Mar. 21, 2024

8th News "National University of Singapore and UOEH held Online Residents Conference"

Mar. 19, 2024

7th News "Study program in occupational health for Mahidol University, Thailand"

Mar. 19, 2024

6th News "International Occupational Health Training Course was held for Vibharam Group Hospitals, Thailand"

Mar. 19, 2024

5th News "Special Lecture at Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia" 

Mar. 19, 2024

4th News "Delegates from Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand visited UOEH"

Mar. 19, 2024

3rd News "Visit to Ulsan University Hospital and renewal of Agreement" 

Mar. 19, 2024

2nd News "The 6th UI-NRH-UOEH-CUK Joint Interesting Occupational Medicine Regular Forum was held"

Feb. 6, 2024

1st News "Annual meeting and Symposium with the Graduate School of Occupational Health, the Catholic University of Korea"

Dec. 28, 2023

28th News "MOU has been concluded with Vibharam Group Hospitals, Thailand"

Dec. 28, 2023

27th News "Online teleconference seminar 2023: International Environmental and Occupational Health Program"

Dec. 28, 2023

26th News "MOU has been concluded with UNISBA, Indonesia"

Nov. 17, 2023

25th News "Lecture at the Second Workshop on Occupational Lung Disease hosted by Ministry of Health, Lao PDR in Vientiane"

Nov. 17, 2023

24th News "Burapha University, Thailand visited UOEH"

Nov. 17, 2023

23rd News "The 5th UI-NRH-UOEH Joint Interesting Occupational Medicine Regular Forum"

Nov. 1, 2023

22nd News "Implementation of Sakura Science Exchange Program 2023 supported by JST"

Nov. 1, 2023

21st News "Delegation of Thailand from Mahidol University and Suranaree University of Technology visited Department of Occupational Hygiene"

Nov. 1, 2023

20th News "UOEH International Symposium 2023 was held"

Nov. 1, 2023

19th News "Conclusion of MOU with National University of Singapore"

Nov. 1, 2023

18th News "1st International Exchange Nursing Education program held at Wonkwang University, Korea"

Aug. 18, 2023

【EVENT】International Center hosts "UOEH International Symposium 2023" 

Aug. 24, 2023

17th News "Hebei Medical University visited UOEH"

Aug. 24, 2023

16th News "UOEH welcomed students and faculties from Daegu Catholic University, Korea"

Aug. 24, 2023

15th News "Dean and faculty members from the Universitas Indonesia visited the UOEH"

Aug. 24, 2023

14th News "Group of students and faculties from the University of Georgia visited the UOEH"

Jul. 12, 2023

13th News "The 4th UI-NRH-UOEH Joint Interesting Occupational Medicine Regular Forum"

Jun. 15, 2023

12th News "Occupational Health training course for Samitivej Hospital, Thailand"

Jun. 6, 2023

11th News "Group training course in Occupational Health and Safety for Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University and Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital, Thailand"

May 15, 2023

10th News "Group training course in Occupational Health for Mahidol University and Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital, Thailand"

May 9, 2023

9th News "Entrance ceremony of the graduate school for students in Asia International Occupational Health Program of 2023"

May 1, 2023

8th News "National University of Singapore visited UOEH, Japan"  

Apr. 20, 2023

7th News "The 3rd UI-NRH-UOEH Joint Interesting Occupational Medicine Regular Forum"

Apr. 12, 2023

6th News "Lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Diseases hosted by DDC, Ministry of Public Health"

Mar. 3, 2023

5th News "Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia visited UOEH, Japan"

Feb. 21, 2023

4th News "MOU was signed with Samitivej Hospital, Thailand"

Feb. 16, 2023

3rd News "Annual meeting with the Graduate School of Occupational Health, the Catholic University of Korea"

Feb. 6, 2023

2nd News "Implementation of SAKURA Science Exchange Program supported by JST"

Jan. 30, 2023

1st News "Ulsan University Hospital visited UOEH, Japan"

Dec. 21, 2022

16th News "The 2nd UI-NRH-UOEH Occupational Medicine Joint Online Forum"

Dec. 13, 2022

15th News "MOU was signed with University of Indonesia"

Dec. 9, 2022

14th News "Online teleconference seminar 2022: International Environmental and Occupational Health Program

Dec. 5, 2022

13th News "Participation in the 4th Regional Forum of WHOCC in the Western Pacific" 

Nov. 17, 2022

12th News "Lectures at WHOCC workshop organized by MNUMS, Mongolia"

Nov. 8, 2022

11th News "Lecture at  ASEAN-OSHNET workshop in Cambodia"

Nov. 1, 2022

10th News "UOEH ranked 9th in Japan and 1st among Japanese private universities on THE World University Rankings 2023 by subject: Clinical and Health"

Oct. 12, 2022

9th News "UOEH ranked 11th in Japan and 1st among Japanese private universities in THE World University Rankings 2023"

Aug. 30, 2022

8th News "Lecture at 40th Anniversary Academic Conference of Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital, Thailand

Jul. 15, 2022

7th News "ILO Commissioned Survey on Professionals in Occupational Health Systems in Asian Countries"

Jul. 5, 2022

6th News "The 30th Japan-China-Korea Conference on Occupational Health was held in Kitakyushu"

Jun. 7, 2022

5th News "UOEH ranked 83rd in Asia and 7th in Japan on THE Asia University Rankings 2022"

May 2, 2022

4th News "Lectures at WHOCC workshop organized by NIOEH, Vietnam"

Apr. 19, 2022

3rd News "Entrance ceremony for the graduate student of Asia International Occupational Health Program of 2022"

Feb. 17, 2022

2nd News "UOEH ranked 102nd in the world and 1st in Japan on THE Young University Rankings 2022"

Jan. 21, 2022

1st News "Activity report as a WHO Collaborating Center - Contribution to the Japanese version of a video on the prevention of COVID-19 infection" 

Dec. 17, 2021

7th News "Online teleconference seminar 2021: International Environmental and Occupational Health Program" 

Nov. 9, 2021

6th News "WHOCC Online Workshop on Occupational Lung Disease"

Sept. 21, 2021

5th News "UOEH ranked 6th in Japan and 1st among Japanese private universities on THE World University Rankings 2022 by subject: Clinical and Health"

Sept. 7, 2021

4th News "UOEH ranked 7th in Japan and 1st among Japanese private universities in THE World University Rankings 2022"

June 28, 2021 3rd News "UOEH ranked 82nd in the world and 1st in Japan on THE Young University Rankings 2021"
June 4, 2021 2nd News "UOEH ranked 66th in Asia and 7th in Japan on THE Asia University Rankings 2021"
Feb. 22, 2021

1st News "UOEH Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences was redesignated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health"

(Last update: June 14, 2024)