-Graduate School of Medicine |
Doctoral Course |
-Annual Enrollment 40 -Period of Attendance 4 years |
-Graduate School of Occupational Health |
Master Course |
-Annual Enrollment 10 -Period of Attendance 2 years |
Doctoral Course |
-Annual Enrollment 8 -Period of Attendance 3 years |
-Graduate School of Nursing |
Master Course |
-Annual Enrollment 5 -Period of Attendance 2 years |
Asia International Educational Program for Graduate Students in the field of Occupational Health
◆ Educational Purposes
The aim of our medical graduate program is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the theories in medical education; their application in the fields of medicine, nursing science, and other healthcare technologies; and their contribution to the progress of medicine, nursing science, healthcare technologies in the field of occupational medicine, and the improvement of social welfare. Our graduate school also offers a unique English language program aimed at developing the human resource skills necessary to work effectively in an international environment.
◆ Graduate School of Medical Science
Graduate School of Medical Science 大学院医学研究科 | |||||
Graduate School of Medicine 医学専攻 |
Graduate School of Occupational Health 産業衛生学専攻 |
Graduate School of Nursing 看護学専攻 |
School of Medicine 医学部 |
Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences 産業生態科学研究所 |
School of Health Sciences 産業保健学部 |
第1解剖学 |
第1内科学 |
Environmental Health Engineering 労働衛生工学 |
職業性腫瘍学 |
Environmental Measurement and Control 作業環境計測制御学 |
Human, Information and Life Sciences 人間情報科学 |
第2解剖学 |
第2内科学 |
人間工学 |
呼吸病態学 |
Occupational Safety and Health Management 安全衛生マネジメント学 |
基礎看護学 |
第1生理学 |
第3内科学 |
産業保健管理学 |
Occupational Health Practice and Management 産業保健経営学 |
Occupational and Community Health Nursing 産業・地域看護学 |
成人・老年看護学 |
呼吸器内科学 |
環境疫学 |
産業精神保健学 |
Nursing of Human Broad Development 広域・発達看護学 |
生化学 |
神経内科学 |
職業性中毒学 |
分子生物学 |
作業関連疾患予防学 |
薬理学 |
Radiology and Hygine Management 放射線衛生管理学 |
第1病理学 |
Disaster Occupational Health Center 災害産業保健センタ- |
第2病理学 |
免疫学・寄生虫学 |
脳神経外科学 |
School of Medicine 医学部 |
微生物学 |
医学概論 |
衛生学 |
皮膚科学 |
両立支援科学 |
公衆衛生学 |
法医学 |
Occupational Health Training Center 産業医実務研修センター |
Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery 耳鼻咽喉科・ 頭頸部外科学 |
IR推進センター |
産科婦人科学 |
Center for Research of the Aging Workforce 高年齢労働者産業保健 研究センター |
リハビリテーション医学 |
Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 救急・集中治療医学 |
(Last update: June 9, 2023)