2020 [4th] (Posted on Feb. 17, 2020) / 2020 [5th] (Posted on Mar. 3, 2020) / 2020 [6th] (Posted on Mar. 3, 2020)

2020 [4th] Visit to Ulsan University Hospital 2019 (Posted on Feb. 17, 2020)

<Visit to Ulsan University Hospital 2019>


Prof. Akira Ogami, Department of Work Systems and Health, Research Associate Motohide Goto, Department of Occupational Toxicology and six trainees of the residency program from the Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences visited Ulsan University Hospital, Korea from February 3 to 5, 2020. The delegation visited Ulsan University Hospital, the shipbuilding department at Hyundai Heavy Industries as well as LS-Nikko Copper (copper smelter). In addition, the members of both institutions shared their research projects through presentations and exchanged information on current occupational health situations in both countries.


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             Courtesy visit to the Director                       Visit to Hyundai Heavy Industries

             of Ulsan University Hospital 


2020 [5th] Participation to the workshop to update Occupational Health Profile of Cambodia (Posted on Mar. 3, 2020)

<Participation to the workshop to update Occupational Health Profile of Cambodia>


Prof. Koji Mori and three doctors of residency program from the Department of Occupational Health Practice and Management and Research Associate Odgerel Chimed-Ochir, Department of Environmental Epidemiology visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia and attended to the workshop on development of National Profile on Occupational Health from February 10 to 15, 2020. This workshop was organized with the cooperation of Office of the WHO Representative in Cambodia and Ministry of Health of Cambodia. Approximately 30 participants from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and other relevant government organizations gathered in order to discuss how to update the existing occupational health profile and how to cooperate between government organizations to complete a better profile. UOEH delegation also visited a local hospital and had a discussion to learn national hospital structure and their general management system as well as reporting system of occupational diseases. UOEH looks forward to continuing support Cambodia as a WHO collaborating center in Occupational Health.



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                  Opening ceremony                              Discussion



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   With the attendees of the workshop                         Visit to a local hospital


2020 [6th] JICA country focused training program for Iraq 2019 (Posted on Mar. 3, 2020)

<JICA country focused training program for Iraq 2019>


UOEH implemented the JICA country focused training program for Iraq entitled "Practical training on analytical measures of heavy metals and biological samples and environment" from February 13 to 26, 2020. Twelve participants from Iraq attended the lectures and tours within and outside of UOEH. Closing ceremony was held on the last day and everyone successfully completed the program.


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                            Lecture                             Practice: Personal Protective Equipments  


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     Practice: Measurement of Radiation       Visit to Kyushu Occupational Health Center


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            Presentation of action plan                                   Closing ceremony