WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health

IIES as a WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health



IIES has been honorably designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO-CC) for Occupational Health since March 14, 1988. The 4th Director-General of WHO, the late Mr. Hiroshi Nakajima personally visited UOEH at the time for the designation ceremony on July 7, 1988. We have a plate to commemorate designation.




  150421_WHO指定研究協力センター開所式(調整済) (3).jpg      WHOCC_UOEH.jpg 




We need to meet the strict requirements every 4 years to be re-designated as a WHO-CC. The designation requirements as well as the contents of the Terms of Reference (TOR) have become more rigid in recent years. WHO has been updated with our activities by our annual activity report every summer. Our latest TOR was issued on July 23, 2016 on the occasion of re-designation, and our latest activity report was submitted to WHO on August 14, 2017.

Recent activities as WHOCC can be found HERE.

(Last update: January 25, 2018)