トップページ > 医学部 > 第1解剖学 > 第1解剖学 研究業績

第1解剖学 研究業績


Zhang J-H, Tasaki T, Tsukamoto M, Wang K-Y, Azuma K.
Deficiency of Wnt10a causes female infertility via the b-catenin/Cys19a1 pathway in mice
Int J Med Sci 19:701-710, 2022


張 家赫、王 克鏞、林 春樹、安達泰弘、東 華岳
127回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会. 2022.03.28-30Web発表)


Kubo KY, Ogasawara A, Tsugane H, Iinuma M, Takahashi T, Azuma K.
Environmental enrichment improves hypomyelination, synaptic alterations, and memory deficits caused by tooth loss in aged SAMP8 mice.
Arch Oral Biol 2021; 123:105039.

Zhou Q, Katano M, Zhang J-H, Liu X, Wang K‐Y, Iinuma M, Kubo KY, Azuma K.
Chewing Behavior Attenuates the Tumor Progression‐Enhancing Effects of Psychological Stress in a Breast Cancer Model Mouse.
Brain Sciences 2021; 11:479.

Liu X, Zhou Q, Zhang JH, Wang KY, Saito T, Saido TC, Wang X, Gao X, Azuma K.
Microglia-Based Sex-Biased Neuropathology in Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice and the Potential Pharmacologic Efficacy of Dioscin.
Cells 2021; 10:3261.


張 家赫、周 倩、劉 瀟、王 克鏞、林 春樹、安達泰弘、東 華岳
第126回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会. 2021.03.28-30(Web発表)

久田智詠、市橋豊雄、市橋幸子、津金裕子、林 櫻子、飯沼光生、斎藤一誠、東 華岳、久保金弥

Yoshikawa E, Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY
Long-term tooth loss affects the hippocampal neuronal dendrite morphology in SAMP8 mice
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021.07.28-31(Web発表)

Ochi S, Saitoh T, Saido T, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
The potential role of early tooth loss in the pathogenesis of the App knock-in mouse model.
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021.07.28-31(Web発表)

Hisada C, Kajimoto K, Tsukane H, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Effects of maternal chewing during prenatal stress on microglia-mediated neuroinflammation in the hippocampus of the offspring
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021.07.28-31(Web発表)

久田智詠、吉川英里、梶本京子、津金裕子、飯沼光生、東 華岳、久保金弥
第36回老化促進モデルマウス(SAM)学会学術大会 2021.09.16-17(Web発表)

東 華岳、周 倩、張 家赫、久保金弥
53回日本臨床分子形態学会 2021.10.23-24Web発表)


Katano M, Kajimoto K, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Tooth loss early in life induces hippocampal morphology remodeling in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) mice.
Int J Med Sci 17:517-524, 2020

Qian Zhou, Ayumi Suzuki, Mitsuo Iinuma, Ke-Yong Wang, Kin-ya Kubo, Kagaku Azuma.
Effects of Maternal Chewing on Prenatal Stress-Induced Cognitive Impairments in the Offspring via Multiple Molecular Pathways.
Int J Mol Sci 2020; 21:5627.


Tsukamoto M, Wang KY, Tasaki T, Murata Y, Okada Y, Yamanaka Y, Nakamura E, Yamada S, Izumi H, Zhou Q, Azuma K, Sasaguri Y, Kohno K, Sakai A.
Findings as a starting point to unravel the underlying mechanisms of in vivo interactions involving Wnt10a in bone, fat and muscle.
Bone. 120:75-84, 2019

Kubo KY, Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Sato Y, Nagashio R, Ohta E, Azuma K.
Vulnerability to stress in mouse offspring is ameliorated when pregnant dams are provided a chewing stick during prenatal stress.
Arch Oral Biol. 97:150-155, 2019

Ohta E, Itoh M, Ueda M, Hida Y, Wang MX, Hayakawa-Ogura M, Li S, Nishida E, Ohta K, Tana, Islam S, Nakagawa K, Sunayama T, Chen H, Hirata S, Endo M, Ohno Y, Nakagawa T.
Cullin-4B E3 ubiquitin ligase mediates Apaf-1 ubiquitination to regulate caspase-9 activity.
PLOS ONE 14:e0219782, 2019

Matsunaga T, Kawabata S, Yanagihara Y, Kezuka C, Kato M, Morikawa Y, Endo S, Chen H, Iguchi K, Ikari A.
Pathophysiogical roles of autophagy and aldo-keto reductases in development of doxorubicin resistance in gastrointestinal cancer cells.
Chem Biol Interact 314:108839, 2019

東 華岳.
ビオフィリア29:19-24, 2019


Kubo KY, Kotachi M, Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Azuma K.
Chewing during prenatal stress prevents prenatal stress-induced suppression of neurogenesis, anxiety-like behavior and learning deficits in mouse offspring.
Int J Med Sci 15:849-58, 2018

Azuma K, Zhou Q, Kubo KY.
Morphological and molecular characterization of the senile osteoporosis in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 (SAMP6).
Med Mol Morphol 51:139-146, 2018

Azuma K, Toyama T, Katano M, Kajimoto K, Hayashi S, Suzuki A, Tsugane H, Iinuma M, Kubo KY.
Yokukansan ameliorates hippocampus-dependent learning impairment in senescence-accelerated mouse.
Biol Pharm Bull.41:1593-1599, 2018

Kizaki K, Uchida S, Yamashita F, Tsukamoto M, Azuma K.
Microstructure of osteophytes in medial knee osteoarthritis.
Clin Rheumatol. 37:2893-2896, 2018


林春樹、安達泰弘、Qian Zhou, 東 華岳.
第123回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会. 2018.3.29日本医科大学武蔵境校舎・日本獣医生命科学大学

東 華岳、安達泰弘、林春樹、Qian Zhou,久保金弥.
第123回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会. 2018.3.30日本医科大学武蔵境校舎・日本獣医生命科学大学

Marong Fang, Xiaoxue Du, Zhiying Hu, Kagaku Azuma.
MiR-124 regulates BACE 1 and alters autophagy in transgenic AD mice.
第123回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会. 2018.3.30日本医科大学武蔵境校舎・日本獣医生命科学大学

Kajimoto K, Kondo H, Suzuki A, Hayashi S, Katano M, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Maternal chewing during prenatal stress in mice ameliorates stress-induced impairment of serotoninergic system in the adult offspring.
第41回日本神経科学大会 2018.7.26-29 神戸国際会議場

Hayashi S, Kondo H, Suzuki A, Kajimoto K, Katano M, Yamada K, Sato Y, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Maternal chewing during prenatal stress ameliorates stress-induced diabetes in adult offspring.
第41回日本神経科学大会 2018.7.26-29 神戸国際会議場

梶本京子、近藤裕子、鈴木あゆみ、林 櫻子、片野雅久、飯沼光生、東華岳、久保金弥. 
第33回老化促進モデルマウス(SAM)学会. 2018.7.14-15 静岡県立大学

第56回日本小児歯科学会大会 2018.5.10-11大阪国際会議場

第56回日本小児歯科学会大会 2018.5.10-11大阪国際会議場

Ayumi Suzuki, Hiroko Kondo, Mitsuo Iinuma, Kagaku Azuma, Kin-ya Kubo.
Maternal chewing ameliorates prenatal stress-induced hippocampal impairment in adult offspring
96th general session & exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research
July 25-28, 2018 Pan European Regional Congress in London

Hiroko Kondo, Ayumi Suzuki, Sakurako Hayashi, Kyoko Kajimoto, Masahisa Katano, Mitsuo Iinuma, Kagaku Azuma, Kin-ya Kubo. Tooth loss induces morphological changes in hippocampal glial cells
96th general session & exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research
July 25-28, 2018 Pan European Regional Congress in London


Azuma K, Zhou Q, Niwa M, Kubo KY.
Association between mastication, the hippocampus, and the HPA axis: a comprehensive review.
Int J Mol Sci 18:1867, 2017

Azuma K, Ogura M, Kondo H, Suzuki A, Hayashi S, Iinuma M, Onozuka M, Kubo KY.
Maternal active mastication during prenatal stress ameliorates prenatal stress-induced lower bone mass in adult mouse offspring.
Int J Med Sci 14:348-355, 2017

Kondo H, Uchida M, Ichihashi Y, Suzuki A, Hayashi S, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Maternal occlusal disharmony during pregnancy induces spatial memory deficits associated with the suppression of hippocampal neurogenesis in adult mouse offspring.
Pediatric Dental J 27:49-55, 2017

Kubo KY, Murabayashi C, Kotachi M, Suzuki A, Mori D, Sato Y, Iinuma M, Azuma K.
Toothlessness early in life suppresses neurogenesis and synaptophysin expression in the hippocampus and impairs learning in mice.
Arch Oral Biol 74:21-27, 2017

東 華岳, 久保金弥. 
顕微鏡 52:29-34, 2017

神谷直希,家田皓将,周向栄,東 華岳,山田 恵,加藤博基,村松千左子,原 武史,三好利治,犬塚貴,松尾政之,藤田広志.
医用画像情報学会雑誌 34:87-91, 2017

Fujita H, Hara T, Zhou X, Azuma K, Fukuoka D, Hatanaka Y, Kamiya N, Matsuo M, Katafuchi T, Matsubara T,Miyati T, Muramatsu C, Teramoto A, Uchiyama Y.
A02-3 Function integrated diagnostic assistance based on multidisciplinary computational anatomy models.
Proceedings of the third international symposium on the project “Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy” 95-104, 2017


Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Hayashi S, Sato Y, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Maternal chewing during prenatal stress ameliorates stress-induced hypomyelination, synaptic alterations, and learning impairment in mouse offspring.
Brain Res 1651:36-43, 2016

Ueda M, Li S, Itoh M, Wang MX, Hayakawa M, Islam S, Tana, Nakagawa K, Chen H, Nakagawa T. Expanded polyglutamine embedded in the endoplasmic reticulum causes membrane distortion and coincides with Bax insertion.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 474:259-63, 2016

Miyake H, Mori D, Katayama T, Fujiwara S, Sato Y, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Novel stress increases hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in mice with a raised bite.
Arch Oral Biol 68:55-60, 2016

Kondo H, Kurahashi M, Mori D, Iinuma M, Tamura Y, Mizutani K, Shimpo K, Sonoda S, Azuma K, Kubo KY.
Hippocampus-dependent spatial memory impairment due to molar tooth loss is ameliorated by an enriched environment.
Arch Oral Biol 61:1-7, 2016


Azuma K, Furuzawa M, Fujiwara S, Yamada K, Kubo KY.
Effects of Active Mastication on Chronic Stress-Induced Bone Loss in Mice.
Int J Med Sci 12:952-957, 2015

Azuma K, Adachi Y, Hayashi H, Kubo KY.
Chronic Psychological Stress as a Risk Factor of Osteoporosis.
J UOEH 37:245-253, 2015

Endo S, Nishiyama A, Suyama M, Takemura M, Soda M, Chen H, Tajima K, El-Kabbani O, Bunai Y, Hara A, Matsunaga T, Ikari A.
Protective roles of aldo-keto reductase 1B10 and autophagy against toxicity induced by p-quinone metabolites of tert-butylhydroquinone in lung cancer A549 cells.
Chem Biol Interact 234:282-289, 2015

Kurahashi M, Kondo H, Iinuma M, Tamura Y, Chen H, Kubo K.
Tooth loss early in life accelerateds age-remlated bone deterioration in mice.
Tohoku J Exp Med 235:29-37, 2015

Kubo KY, Iinuma M, Chen H.
Mastication as a stress-coping behavior.
Biomed Res Int 2015:876409, 2015

Chen H, Iinuma M, Onozuka M, Kubo KY.
Chewing maintains hippocampus-dependent cognitive function.
Int J Med Sci 12:502-509, 2015

Chen H, Senda T, Kubo KY.
The osteocyte plays multiple roles in bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis.
Med Mol Morphol 48:68, 2015

Shibue K, Yamane S, Harada N, Suzuki K, Joo E, Iwasaki K, Nasteska D, Harada T, Hayashi Y, Adachi Y, Owada Y, Takayanagi ., Inagaki N.
Fatty acid-binding protein 5 regulates diet-induced obesity via GIP secretion from enteroendocrine K cells in response to fat ingestion.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 308(7): E583-91, 2015


Mishiro K, Imai T, Sugitani S, Kitashoji A, Suzuki Y, Takagi T, Chen H, Oumi Y, Tsuruma K, Shimazawa M, Hara H.
Diabetes mellitus aggravates hemorrhagic transformation after ischemic stroke via mitochondrial defects leading to endothelial apoptosis.
PLoS One 9:e103818, 2014

Ueda M, Li S, Itoh M, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Wang MX, Hayakawa M, Hasebe-Matsubara R, Ohta K, Ohta E, Mizuno A, Matsumoto M, Chen H, Hida Y, Nakagawa T.
Polyglutamine expansion disturbs the endoplasmic reticulum formation, leading to caspase-7 activation through Bax.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 443:1232-8, 2014

Furuzawa M, Chen H, Fujiwara S, Yamada K, Kubo KY.
Chewing ameliorates chronic mild stress-induced bone loss in senescence- accelerated mouse (SAMP8), a murine model of senile osteoporosis.
Exp Gerontol 55:12-18, 2014

Iinuma M, Kondo H, Kurahashi M, Ohnishi M, Tamura Y, Chen H, Kubo KY.
Relationship between the early toothless condition and hippocampal functional morphology.
Anat Physiol 4:3, 2014

Chen H, Kubo KY.
Bone three-dimensional microstructural features of the common osteoporotic fracture sites.
World J Orthopedics 5:486-95, 2014

Kizuka-Shibuya F, Tokuda N, Takagi K, Adachi Y, Lee L, Tamura I, Maekawa R, Tamura H, Suzuki T, Owada Y, Sugino N.
Locally existing endotherial cells and pericytes in ovarian stroma, but not bone marrow-derived vascular progenitor cells, play a central role in neovascularization during follicular development in mice.
J Ovarian Res 7: 10, 2014

Miyazaki H, Sawada T, Kiyohira M, Yu Z, Nakamura K, Yasumoto Y, Kagawa Y, Ebrahimi M, Islam A, Sharifi K., Kawamura S, Kodama T, Yamamoto Y, Adachi Y, Tokuda N, Terai S, Sakaida I, Ishikawa T, Owada Y.
Fatty acid binding protein 7 regulates phagocytosis and cytokine production in kupffer cells during liver injury.
Am J Pathol 184: 2505-2515, 2014

Hayashi T, Chen H, Miyamoto K, Zhou X, Hara T, Fujita H.
Computer-aided image analysis for vertebral anatomy on X-ray CT images.
Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging,
Suzuki K ed, Springer: p159-184, 2014


Chen H, Senda T, Emura S, Kubo K.
An update on the structure of the parathyroid gland.
The open Anatomy Journal 5:1-9, 2013

Chen H, Zhou X, Fujita H, Onozuka M, Kubo K.
Age-related changes in trabecular and cortical bone microsctructure.
Int J Endocrinol 2013:1-9, 2013

Inamura A, Adachi Y, Inoue T, He Y, Tokuda N, Nawata T, Shirao S, Nomura S, Fujii M, Ikeda E, Owada Y, Suzuki M.
Cooling treatment transiently increases the permeabillity of brain capillary endotherial cells through translocation of Claudin-5.
Neurochem Res 38: 1641-1647, 2013

Chen H, Shoumura S
Parathyroid gland, skeletal muscle, tendon and periosteum in SAMP6.
The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM): Achievements and future directions,
Takeda T ed, Elsevier: p85-94, 2013

千田隆夫,陳 華岳,清水洋二.
組織細胞化学, 日本組織細胞化学会編,学際企画株式会社: 1-16頁,2013.

Kubo KY, Chen H, Onozuka M.
The relationship between mastication and cognition.
Senescence and senescence-related disorders,
Wang Z and Inuzuka H eds, InTech Open Access Publisher: p115-132, 2013


Chen H, Kubo K.
Segmental variations in trabecular bone density and microstructure of the spine in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP6): A murine model for senile osteoporosis.
Exp Gerontol 47:317-322, 2012

Zhou X, Wang S, Chen H, Hara T, Yokoyama R, Kanematsu M, Fujita H.
Automatic localization of solid organs on 3D CT images by a collaborative majority voting decision based on ensemble learning.
Comput Med Imaging Graph 36:304-313, 2012

Chen H, Wu M, Kubo K.
Combined treatment with a traditional Chinese medicine, Hachimi-jio-gan (Ba-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan) and alendronate improves bone microstructure in ovariectomized rats.
J Ethnopharmacol 142:80-85, 2012

Adachi Y, Hiramatsu S, Tokuda N, Sharifi K, Ebrahimi M, Islam A, Kagawa Y, Koshy LV, Sawada T, Hamano K, Owada Y.
Fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) 4 and FABP5 modulate cytokine production in the mouse thymic epithelial cells.
Histochem Cell Biol 138: 397-406, 2012

Kizuka F, Tokuda N, Takagi K, Adachi Y, Lee L, Tamura I, Maekawa R, Taketani T, Tamura H, Suzuki T, Owada Y, Sugino N.
Involvement of bone marrow-derived vascular progenitor cells in neovascularization during the corpus luteum formation in mice.
Biol Reprod 87:1-7, 2012

Chen H, Kubo K, Onozuka M, Hayashi T, Zhou X, Fujita H.
Sophisticated imaging technology in the assessment of osteoporosis risk.
Osteoporosis, Dionyssiotis Y ed, InTech Open Access Publisher, p181-194, 2012


Ishiguro M, Mishiro K, Fujiwara Y, Chen H, Izuta H, Tsuruma K, Shimazawa M, Yoshimura S, Satoh M, Iwama T, Hara H.
Phosphodiesterase-III inhibitor prevents hemorrhagic transformation induced by focal cerebral ischemia in mice treated with tPA.
PLoS One 5:e15178, 2010

Chen H, Washimi Y, Kubo K, Onozuka M.
Gender-related changes in three-dimensional microstructure of trabecular bone at the human proximal tibia with aging.
Histol Histopathol 26:563-570, 2011

Hayashi T, Chen H, Miyamoto K, Zhou X, Hara T, Yokoyama R, Kanematsu M, Hoshi H, Fujita H.
Analysis of bone mineral density distribution at trabecular bones in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae using X-ray CT images.
J Bone Miner Metab 29:174-185, 2011

Ogawa E, Owada Y, Ikawa S, Adachi Y, Egawa T, Nemoto K, Suzuki K, Hishinuma T, Kawashima H, Kondoh H, Muto M, Aiba S, Okuyama R.
Epidermal FABP (FABP5) regulates keratinocyte differentiation via 13(S)-HODE mediated activation of the NF-kB signaling pathway.
J Invest Dermatol 131,604-612, 2011

Sharifi K, Morihiro Y, Maekawa M, Yasumoto Y, Hoshi H, Adachi Y, Sawada T, Tokuda N, Kondo H, Yoshikawa T, Suzuki M, Owada Y.
FABP7 expression in normal and stab injured brain cortex and its role in astrocyte proliferation.
Histochem Cell Biol 136, 501-13, 2011

Yoneda T, Nishimura J, Sato T, Hiai Y, Ohnari N, Okada K, Hayashi H, Matsusue E, Uozumi T, Tsuji S.
A novel tract imaging technique of the brainstem using phase difference enhanced imaging: normal anatomy and initial experience in multiple system atrophy.
Eur Radiol 21: 2202-2210, 2011

陳 華岳, 正村静子.
病気の分子形態学, 日本臨床分子形態学会,学際企画株式会社: 251-253頁, 2011


Chen H, Zhou X, Shoumura S, Emura S, Bunai Y.
Age- and gender-dependent changes in three-dimensional microstructure of cortical and trabecular bone at the human femoral neck.
Osteoporos Int 21:627-636, 2010

Washimi Y, Chen H, Ito A, Takao R, Uzawa T, Yamamoto Y, Yamada H, Shoumura S.
Effect of intermittent treatment with human parathyroid hormone 1-34 in SAMP6 senescence-accelerated mice.
J Endocrinol Invest 33:395-400, 2010

Tokuda N, Adachi T, Adachi Y, Higashi M, Sharifi K, Tuerxun T, Sawada T, Kondo H, Owada Y.
Identification of FABP7 in fibroblastic reticular cells of mouse lymphnodes.
Histochem Cell Biol 134: 445-452, 2010


Chen H, Zhou X, Emura S, Shoumura S.
Site-specific bone loss in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP6): A murine model for senile osteoporosis.
Exp Gerontol 44:792-798, 2009

Chen H, Shoumura S, Emura S, Isono H.
Tibetan medicated-bath therapy may improve adjuvant arthritis in rat.
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 6:211-217, 2009

Chen H, Yano R, Emura S, Shoumura S.
Anatomic variation of the celiac trunk with special reference to hepatic artery patterns.
Ann Anat 191:399-407, 2009.


Chen H, Zhou X, Washimi Y, Shoumura S.
Three-dimensional microstructure of the bone in a hamster model of senile osteoporosis.
Bone 43:494-500, 2008

Chen H, Shoumura S, Emura S, Bunai Y.
Regional variations of vertebral trabecular bone microstructure with age and gender.
Osteoporos Int 19:1473-1483, 2008

林 春樹菊田彰夫.