
    教授 岡﨑龍史

  • 岡﨑龍史. 急性放射線障害. 今日の治療指針ー私はこう治療しているー. 医学書院. 2024;1098-1099.
  • 岡﨑龍史. 放射線と医療安全(第241回北九州臨床整形外科医会(R5.9.26)より). 北九州市医報. 2023;797:31-33.
  • Kohzaki M, Suzuki K, Ootsuyama A, Okazaki R. Spontaneous p53 activation in middle-aged C57BL/6 mice mitigates the lifespan-extending adaptive response induced by low-dose ionizing radiation. npj aging. 2023;26(9). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41514-023-00123-3
  • 岡﨑龍史. 電離放射線の歴史から学ぶ放射線防護. 産業医学レビュー. 2023;36(1):1-29.
  • Wang D, Zeng Z, Shen M, Okazaki R, Miyata H, Yonezawa T, Yoshida Y. ATP Consumption Is Coupled with Endocytosis in Exudated Neutrophils. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 ; 24 (10) : 9039. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24109039
  • Okazaki R, Kohzaki M, Kai M, Jiang Y, Kubo T, Ootsuyama A, Sado T, Suzuki K, Tateishi S, Mori K. Relationship between haematological data and radiation doses of TEPCO workers before and after the FDNNP accident. J Radiat Res. 2023 ; 64(2) : 261-272.  https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrac089
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Abe T, Tsukamoto M, Umata T, Okazaki R. Long bones exhibit adaptive responses to chronic low-dose-rate ionizing radiation despite its lifespan-shortening and carcinogenic effects on C57BL/6 mice. JBMR Plus. 2022 ; 6(12) : e10688.https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm4.10688
  • Okazaki R. Role of p53 in Regulating Radiation Responses, Life. 2022 ; 12(7):1099. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12071099
  • 岡﨑龍史. 水晶体等価線量限度の法令改正までの根拠と経緯、日本の現状. 産業医学ジャーナル. 2022;45(4):92-96. 
  • Okazaki R, Satoh K, Hasegawa A, Matsuda N, Kato T, Kanda R, Shimada Y, Hayashi T, Kohzaki M, Mafune K, Mori K. Contribution of radiation education to anxiety raduction among Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant workers: a cross sectional study using a text mining method. J Radiat Res. 2022;63(1):44-50 . https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrab101
  • Song Y, Okazaki R, Yoshida Y. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype and activation of NF-κB in splenocytes of old mice exposed to irradiation at a young age. Dev Comp Immunol. 2021 ; volume122 : 104124. DOI: 10.1016/j.dci.2021.104124
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Umata T, Okazaki R. Comparison of the fertility of tumor suppressor gene-deficient C57BL/6 mouse strains reveals stable reproductive aging and novel pleiotropic gene. Sci Rep. 2021 ; 11 : 12357 : 1-13.
  • 善家雄吉, 森圭介, 弓指恵一, 濱田大志, 岡﨑龍史, 宮本俊之. 整形外科診療における被曝の現状と低減対策-大腿骨と脛骨骨折:髄内針による骨接合術-. 整形・災害外科. 2021;64(5):793-799.
  • 岡﨑龍史. 物理的健康障害要因とその対策(13-2:電離放射線, 13-3:非電離放射線, 13-4:レーザー, 13-9:電離場). 産業保健マニュアル改訂8版. 南山堂. 2021;13-2, 3, 4, 9:307-314, 323.
  • 林卓哉, 真船浩介, 松田尚樹, 長谷川有史, 加藤尊秋, 神田玲子, 島田義也, 佐藤健一, 森晃爾, 立石清一郎, 香﨑正宙, 岡﨑龍史. 福島第一原発作業者に対する放射線知識と不安に関する質問調査. 産業医科大学雑誌.  2020;42(4):339-346.
  • Mori K, Tateishi S, Kubo T, Kobayashi Y, Hiraoka K, Kawashita F, Hayashi T, Kobashi M, Kiyomoto F, Fukai K, Tahara H, Okazaki R, Ogami A, Igari A, Suzuki K, Kikuchi H, Yoshikawa T, Mori T, Ito R, Sakai K. Follow-up of occupational health issues and measures taken in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where decommissioning work has continued over 6 years since 2014. J Occup Environ med 2020;62(9):669-679.
  • Mori K, Tateishi S, Kubo T, Kobayashi Y, Hiraoka K, Kawashita F, Hayashi T, Kiyomoto Y, Kobashi M, Fukai K, Tahara H, Okazaki R, Ogami A, Igari K, Suzuki K, Kikuchi H, Sakai K, Yoshikawa T, Fujino Y. Assessing the effect of mandatory progress reporting on treatment requirements identified during health examinations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: A time series analysis, J Occup Health. 2020;62:e12111
  • 岡﨑龍史. 放射線被ばく. 産業医が診る働き方改革. 西日本新聞社. 2020;190-193.
  • 岡﨑龍史. チェルノブイリ原発事故による環境汚染と人体影響. 放射線医科学の事典. 朝倉書店. 2020;1章-6:27-32.
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Sun L, Moritake T, Okazaki R. Human RECQL4 represses the RAD52-mediated single-strand annealing pathway after ionizing radiation or cisplatin treatment. Int. J Cancer. 2020;146(11):3098-3113. 

   著 書 

  • 図説放射線学入門-基礎から学ぶ緊急被ばくガイド(改訂版)
  • 図説放射線学入門—基礎から学ぶ緊急被曝ガイド
  • 産業保健マニュアル(共著)
  • 福島原発事故後の放射線行政とリテラシー. 産業医学のプリンシプル〜大切なことー産業医学振興財団40周年記念誌-. 産業医学ジャーナル編集委員会編. 公益財団法人産業医学振興財団.


講師 香﨑 正宙

  • Kohzaki M, Suzuki K, Ootsuyama A, Okazaki R. Spontaneous p53 activation in middle-aged C57BL/6 mice mitigates the lifespan-extending adaptive response induced by low-dose ionizing radiation. npj aging. 2023;26(9). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41514-023-00123-3
  • 香﨑正宙. DNA損傷とがん. BIO Clinica. 2023;38(9):38-40. 
  • Okazaki R, Kohzaki M, Kai M, Jiang Y, Kubo T, Ootsuyama A, Sado T, Suzuki K, Tateishi S, Mori K. Relationship between haematological data and radiation doses of TEPCO workers before and after the FDNNP accident. J Radiat Res. 2023.  https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrac089
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Abe T, Tsukamoto M, Umata T, Okazaki R. Long bones exhibit adaptive responses to chronic low-dose-rate ionizing radiation despite its lifespan-shortening and carcinogenic effects on C57BL/6 mice. JBMR Plus. 2022 ; 6(12) : e10688.https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm4.10688
  • Kohzaki M. Mammalian resilience revealed by a comparison of human diseases and mouse models associated with DNA helicase deficiencies. Front Mol Biosci. 2022;9:1-25.
  •  香﨑正宙. 遺伝性疾患モデルマウスの産後生存率と寿命の比較研究から明らかになった哺乳類レジリエンス. RBC News Letter. 2022;(171)2-4. 
  • Okazaki R, Satoh K, Hasegawa A, Matsuda N, Kato T, Kanda R, Shimada Y, Hayashi T, Kohzaki M, Mafune K, Mori K. Contribution of radiation education in anxiety raduction among Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant workers: a cross sectional study using a text mining method. J Radiat Res. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrab101
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Umata T, Okazaki R. Comparison of the fertility of tumor suppressor gene-deficient C57BL/6 mouse strains reveals stable reproductive aging and novel pleiotropic gene. scientific reports. 2021;11:12357:1-13.
  • 香﨑正宙. アブスコパル効果研究の現状と放射線治療への展望. 放射線生物研究. 2021;56(1):37-54. 
  • 林卓哉, 真船浩介, 松田尚樹, 長谷川有史, 加藤尊秋, 神田玲子, 島田義也, 佐藤健一, 森晃爾, 立石清一郎, 香﨑正宙, 岡﨑龍史. 福島第一原発作業者に対する放射線知識と不安に関する質問調査. 産業医科大学雑誌. 産業医科大学. 2020;42(4):339-346.
  • Kohzaki M, Ootsuyama A, Sun L, Moritake T, Okazaki R. Human RECQL4 represses the RAD52-mediated single-strand annealing pathway after ionizing radiation or cisplatin treatment. Int. J Cancer. 2020;146(11):3098-3113. 
  • 香﨑正宙, 筒井正人. 放射線応答遺伝子欠損の培養細胞・ほ乳動物の作製方法と入手方法. 放射線医科学の事典. 朝倉書店. 2020;3章-7:175-177.

   助教 永元 啓介

  • Nagamoto K, Kawachino T, Suetsugu Y, et al. Eye lens dose in spine surgeons during myelography procedures: a dosimetry study. Journal of Radiological Protection. 2023;43:041509.
  • Nagamoto K, Moritake T, Kowatari M, Nakagami K Morota K, Matsuzaki S, Nihei S, Kamochi M, Kunugita N. Occupational radiation dose on the hand of assisting medical staff in diagnostic CT scans. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2023;199(15-16):1774-1778.
  • Kowatari M, Yoshitomi H, Nagamoto K, Nakagami K, Moritake T, Kunugita N. Characterisation of small radiophotoluminescence dosemeter in terms of Hp(0.07) for extremity dose monitoring of medical personnel. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2023;199(15-16):1807–1812. 
  • Matsuzaki S, Moritake T, Sun L, Morota K, Nagamoto K, Nakagami K, Kuriyama T, Hitomi G, Kajiki S, Kunugita N. The Effect of Pre-Operative Verbal Confirmation for Interventional Radiology Physicians on Their Use of Personal Dosimeters and Personal Protective Equipment. IJERPH. 2022;19(24):16825-16825.  
  • Nagamoto K, Kunugita N: Effectiveness of a radiation management safety checklist for non-vascular imaging and interventional radiology at a medical facility. Environ Occup Health Practice. 2022 ; 5 (1).
  • Nagamoto K, Watanabe R, Kawachino T, Ohishi Y, Yamamoto A, T. Moritake, Nihei S, Kamochi M, Kunugita N: Contribution of Organ-Based Tube Current Modulation to the Reduction of Lens Exposure Dose in Head 4D CT Imaging: A Phantom Study. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2022 ; 198(18): 1377-1386. 
  • Kowatari, Nagamoto K, Nakagami K Yoshitomi H, Moritake T, Kunugita N: Dose Measurement Precision of an Rpld-Based Eye Lens Dosemeter Applicable to the Medical Sector. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. , 2022 ; 198(17): 1303-1312.
  • Kowatari, Nagamoto K, Nakagami K Tanimura Y, Moritake T, Kunugita N: Experimental Evaluation of Scattered X-Ray Spectra due to X-Ray Therapeutic and Diagnosis Equipment for Eye Lens Dosimetry of Medical Staff. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research. 2022 ; 47(1): 39-49
  • Nagamoto K, Moritake T, Nakagami K, Morota K, Matsuzaki S, Kunugita N: A multicenter study of radiation doses to the eye lenses of clinical physicians performing radiology procedures in Japan. J Occup Health. 2021 ;  63(1): e12305.
  • Nakagami K, Moritake T, Nagamoto K, Morota K, Matsuzaki S, T. Kuriyama, Kunugita N: Strategy to Reduce the Collective Equivalent Dose for the Lens of the Physician’s Eye Using Short Radiation Protection Curtains to Prevent Cataracts. Diagnostics . 2021 ; 11(8): 1415. 
  • Matsuzaki S, Moritake T, Morota K, Nagamoto K, Nakagami K T. Kuriyama, Kunugita N: Development and assessment of an educational application for the proper use of ceiling-suspended radiation shielding screens in angiography rooms using augmented reality technology. European Journal of Radiology. 2021 ;  143: 109925. 
  • Nagamoto K, Moritake T, Nakagami K, Morota K, Matsuzaki S, Nihei S, Kamochi M, Kunugita N: Occupational radiation dose to the lens of the eye of medical staff who assist in diagnostic CT scans. Heliyon. 2021 ; 7(1): e06063.
  • Morota K, Moritake T, Nagamoto K, Matsuzaki S, Nakagami K, Sun L, Kunugita N:Optimization of the Maximum Skin Dose Measurement Technique Using Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine—Radiation Dose Structured Report Data for Patients Undergoing Cerebral Angiography. Diagnostics. 2021 ; 11(1): 14.

   著 書 

  • 増補新訂 医療機関における産業保健活動ハンドブック (共著)

  産業医学基礎研究医員 王 鐸

  • Wang D, Zeng Z, Shen M, Okazaki R, Miyata H, Yonezawa T, Yoshida Y. ATP Consumption Is Coupled with Endocytosis in Exudated Neutrophils. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 ; 24 (10) : 9039. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24109039.